Reports, Webinars & Insights


Why Merchants Don’t Refer to Acquirers

After exploring why ISOs and acquirers don’t get more referrals, we explore in this piece why over 99% of merchants don't refer and what motivates merchants to refer. The three elements that contribute to this low number of referrals from merchants are: 1) a failure...

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Why Acquirers Get Few Merchant Referrals

The reason acquirers don't get more merchant referrals is due to three reasons: a sense of entitlement, an uneducated merchant base, and a lack of a referral system. Our industry has a very low rate of merchant referrals. A quick study suggests that 0.08% of merchants...

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Double Your New Merchant Acquisition

The adage goes: “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” and it doesn’t apply just to flies. It looks like merchants too like honey more than vinegar. Yet, it is astounding to see the large number of ISOs and merchant acquirers that use vinegar in their...

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ISVs Revenue Share Split Up

"How much are the ISVs going to take away from the acquirers' revenues?" seems to be consistent question that the investment community wants to know about merchant acquiring lately. Different week, different firm, same question... Well the answer is simple: the way I...

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